A Modern Cantorial Music Library

Rosh Hashanah

Cantor Daniel Benlolo blows the Shofar and explains interpretations of “cry of the shofar”

The blowing of the shofar or rams horn is mainly used on Rosh Hashanah the Jewish new year. The shofar is mentioned in the Bible in Leviticus 23:24 and symbolizes the awakening of our souls in repentance and also alludes to the Akeida – the binding of Isaac.

VidCode :158

Choir practice hineni heani mimaas לכן אבקש[הנני העני ממעש] with Cantor Gideon Zellermyer

This is additional footage from A People’s Soundtrack, a documentary film about cantorial music.

Shaar Shamayim choir practice 2nd sentence of “hineni heani mimaas” (lachen avakesh) – לכן אבקש[הנני העני ממעש] – for Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur with Cantor Gideon Zellermyer

Readers’s Meditation/intro to Musaf Service, e.g. p.325 Birnbaum Mahzor, “hence I beseech thee”

Adonai, Adonai (13 attributes of mercy)

Adonai, Adonai (13 attributes of mercy) by Gideon Zelermyer cantor at Shaar Hashomayim Orthodox synagogue in Montreal. Sung during holidays, Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur.

This prayer is repeated in many services on (high) holidays- usually occurs in the Amidah e.g. Birnbaum Mahzor p. 539 or Birnbaum Prayer book p. 363

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