A Modern Cantorial Music Library


Uvetzel Kenafecha, Nechese Venitlonan -ובצל כנפך נחסה ו נתלונ- by Cantor Gideon Zellermyer and choir

This is additional footage from A People’s Soundtrack, a documentary film about cantorial music.

Uvetzel Kenafecha, Nechese Venitlonan -ובצל כנפך נחסה ו נתלונ- from Selichot program by Cantor Gideon Zelermyer and choir at the Shaar Hashomayim Orthodox synagogue in Montreal.

Rosenfeld p. 7-8, last line of prayer “el “erech apayim”

Yotzeir Atah – יוצר אתה from Selichot program by Cantor Gideon Zelermyer

This is additional footage from A People’s Soundtrack, a documentary film about cantorial music.

Yotzeir Atah – יוצר אתה from Selichot program Cantor Gideon Zelermyer with guest Cantor Michael Moshkovitz at the Shaar Hashomayim Orthodox synagogue in Montreal.

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